sir bono akbarali


So I realized that I’ve mentioned my dog, Bono, multiple times throughout my posts, but have never written about him! Honestly, I don’t know how I could have gone through with my entire transition without Bono. I actually can’t imagine my life without this big fur ball.  Continue reading

a paralyzed city

Photo Source: The Daily Nation. Nairobi Matatu Strike, March 5, 2014

In one of my earlier posts, ‘hakuna matatu’, I mentioned how one of the main reasons as to why the traffic in Nairobi is so awful is because of the matatus – Nairobi’s major public transportation.

Well, it turns out that when matatus are not on the road, they cause even more traffic. The day before yesterday, I experienced one of the worst traffic situations to date. There was a city-wide matatu strike, which caused chaos, havoc and congestion everywhere. It literally paralyzed the city. Continue reading

a random rant

Most of the days, I thank my lucky stars that I’m in a place like Kenya. But at other times, like how I’m feeling at this moment, I am reminded of the fact that I’m in a third world country, and that things have yet to progress. Earlier this week, I read about Uganda passing a law banning homosexuality. I only recently learnt that Angola banned the religion of Islam. And yesterday, I discovered that homosexuality is illegal in Kenya and that you can be imprisoned for up to 14 years! After hearing such news, I feel like, as the stereotype states: we are in fact “going backwards”. It’s like when the country makes one step forward, something comes along to send it back two steps. Not just something…the government! Continue reading

african tribalism

Today I’d like to take you back to one of the most predominant historical roots of Africa – the tribes.

Living in Africa, as we know or can imagine, is nothing like living in North America, mainly because one is first world, while the other is third world. Some mistake third world nations as being “backwards”, when that is not the case; it’s just different. Having lived here for almost a year now, I can say that change is coming, and it’s coming fast. But this blog isn’t about where Kenya is headed towards (that’ll come later). This blog is about going back to Kenya’s ancestral heritage – tribalism.  Continue reading

the elephant orphanage

Best Buds

Best buds

Why is it that we feel empathic for elephants even if we’ve never met one before?

Perhaps it could be because elephants feel the same kind of human emotions we feel. Did you hear about the story of the South African elephants who made their way to their late caretaker’s house to ‘mourn his death’?

Earlier this week, I visited the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT) which is a rehabilitation program for orphaned animals, particularly the rhino, but most famously, the elephants. Continue reading

nairobi restaurant week 2014

For those of you who are not aware, one of the perks of living in Nairobi is its food culture. Nothing is processed, everything is fresh and healthier. Over the past few years, more restaurants serving authentic cuisines have been popping up all over the city. Restaurant owners, in addition to providing great food, are also concentrating on creating an ambience, a comfortable environment, and a great space to work, meet, study, or wine & dine.

This past week, I got to experience the inaugural event of Nairobi Restaurant Week 2014 which ran from January 30th to February 6th.  Continue reading

hakuna matatu

Everyone knows what ‘hakuna matata’ means, right? But have you heard of ‘hakuna matatu’? Probably not, which is why I’m dedicating this post to Nairobi’s ubiquitous, fastest method of public transportation – the matatus. Anyone visiting East Africa, particularly Kenya or Uganda, will experience the never-ending roaring and zipping through of the matatus while driving. They are hard to miss with their multi-coloured, artistic exteriors.

Photo source. Creativity on wheels

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